> > Well, it would depend on VLS then, since that is what controls the DVB > > card, > > and AFAIK it does not support CAMs, but I can't confirm that right now > > as > > viewcvs is apparently down for videolan. Maybe someone else can confirm > > though? > VLS is discontinued and should not be used. VLC (which can also act as a > server) has support for CAMs in post-0.8.1 svn snapshots. See : >Don't kill the messenger :) I don't use videolan, and it's confusing to >have a >video lan client beeing a server, but hey, I just looked at your developer >section, where which vls is a nice menu item.. >Kenneth I am NOT using VLS or VLC on the server side. I have my own software based on linuxdvb drivers which retrieves TS packets from the card and streams them in IP multicast over LAN. I am using VLC * client only* as networked player. This system works very well with unencrypted TS packets. As far as I understand, for encrypted streams I just need to initialise the CAM on the card with the CVS driver. Streams are then flowing through the CAM, TS packets get decrypted and appear as unencrypted TS which I can retrieve from the card in the same way as for unencrypted packets. For the streaming software there is thus no difference. However, currently TS packets are not decrytped so they are streamed in encrypted format to the client. irk