>I have a nova-t with conexant chipset. With kernel 2.6.10 and 2.6.10-3 patch from http://dl.bytesex.org/patches/ the card works pretty good with xine. >I tried also xawtv but I can't tune some channels that, instead, works fine with xine. >dvbstream and mplayer doesn't work. the difference between dvbstream/mplayer and other software is that the formers exit the tuning proceduce if any of the ioctl() fails. If you run mplayer -v -v dvb://TV_station and send me the log I will look into it. You could disable those checks in libmpdemux/dvb_tune.c and report which one fails. I suspect that at least one of the ioctl()s reports wrong results, and indication of buggy drivers. > >And also with xine I have some problems: I cannot switch channel from the gui, but I have to stop xine and re-tune from console, i.e. explicity tell to xine the channel I want to see. > more bugs... >I don't know if xine dvb section is experimental, but I've heard that mplayer and xawtv work fine with my card, > >Can anyone with the same card tell me how to configure correctly the device? >TIA > >Fulvio