On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 02:31:58PM +0200, Sergey Kvachonok wrote: > Hi everyone, > I'm looking for some advice from linux driver developers. > > There exists yet another version of intelfb framebuffer driver, which > supports mode switching on mobile devices, and a few other things > current intelfb doesn't do or does wrong. > http://code.google.com/p/intelfb2/ > > It was announced on linux-fbdev-devel: > http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=25a99abe0903071205j5d9c1cbcp971a7af5c8b40313%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=linux-fbdev-devel > > Current intel framebuffer maintainers plan to move intelfb > functionality into i915drm driver, and that is already done and merged > into following 2.6.29 release. > > I was not aware of their intentions at the time of writing it, so now > intelfb2 is left dangling. I did, however, get reports from one of > the few intelfb2 users, that i915drm framebuffer implementation is not > yet complete, and some of the fbdev features (HW acceleration, > modesetting from the userspace) critical to his software are missing. > intelfb2, being straight fbdev implementation, provides that. > > So now I'm being asked to merge it somehow somewhere, > because it the least broken solution at present time. > > Basically it's yet another intel graphics driver with modesetting, > which deviated from original intelfb so far that presenting it as a > series of patches is not feasible. I believe it can only be treated > as a separate experimental driver, rather that intelfb upgrade, with > intention of phasing intelfb1 out in the future. > > So I'm asking what I can possibly do with the code I have now, and > whether it is viable to include it in the -staging tree. Why not work with the i915drm developers to provide those missing features? That way everyone benifits. thanks, greg k-h