Grammar issue(s) in documentation

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Hi all,

I just wanted to briefly point out that as a native English speaker I
found the following text significantly hard to read.

"Do not worry installing your kernel manually and thus bypassing your
distribution’s packaging system will totally mess up your machine: all
parts of your kernel are easy to remove later, as files are stored in
two places only and normally identifiable by the kernel’s release

I found this very hard to read. I would probably re-phrase this as
follows, but I'd be completely open - and in fact encourage - any
suggestions on the rephrasing of the excerpt.

"Do not attempt to circumvent your distribution's packaging system by
installing your kernel manually; this will likely break your machine.
Components of your kernel can be selectively removed later on.  Such
components (files) are stored in two locations, both identifiable
by the kernel's release name."

As an additional note, I'm looking for any recommendations on a good
resource on the maintenance of the Documentation/ directory.

Kind regards,
Joshua Rose

[1]: Documentation/admin-guide/quickly-build-trimmed-linux.rst

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