RE: [PATCH v3 09/10] crypto: tegra: Reserve keyslots to allocate dynamically

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> Subject: [PATCH v3 09/10] crypto: tegra: Reserve keyslots to allocate dynamically
> The HW supports only storing 15 keys at a time. This limits the number
> of tfms that can work without failutes. Reserve keyslots to solve this
> and use the reserved ones during the encryption/decryption operation.
> This allow users to have the capability of hardware protected keys
> and faster operations if there are limited number of tfms while not
> halting the operation if there are more tfms.
> Fixes: 0880bb3b00c8 ("crypto: tegra - Add Tegra Security Engine driver")
> Signed-off-by: Akhil R <akhilrajeev@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-aes.c | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>  drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-key.c |  17 ++++
>  drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se.h     |  28 ++++++
>  3 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

I noticed that we need the below additional change to this patch. Not getting a
keyslot will not cause a failure. We can skip this print unless for debug.

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-key.c b/drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-key.c
index bf265514b04c..956fa9b4e9b1 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-key.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/tegra/tegra-se-key.c
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int tegra_key_submit(struct tegra_se *se, const u8 *key, u32 keylen, u32 alg, u3
        if (!tegra_key_in_kslt(*keyid)) {
                *keyid = tegra_keyslot_alloc();
                if (!(*keyid)) {
-                       dev_err(se->dev, "failed to allocate key slot\n");
+                       dev_dbg(se->dev, "failed to allocate key slot\n");
                        return -ENOMEM;

Hi Herbert,

Do we have any other concerns with the patches in this series.
If all those look good, I can push a new version with this change included.

Thanks & regards,

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