On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Sebastian Siewior wrote:
* Krzysztof Oledzki | 2007-10-16 19:56:33 [+0200]:
After switching from i386 to x86_64 I noticed that /proc/crypto is much
# wc -l /proc/crypto crypto-64
482 /proc/crypto
349 crypto-64
It is all fine from what I can see in this diff.
# diff -Nur /proc/crypto crypto-64
--- /proc/crypto 2007-10-16 19:49:45.110694374 +0200
+++ crypto-64 2007-10-16 19:48:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,136 +1,3 @@
-name : cbc(twofish)
-driver : cbc(twofish-i586)
-module : kernel
-priority : 200
-refcnt : 1
-type : blkcipher
-blocksize : 16
-min keysize : 16
-max keysize : 32
-ivsize : 16
This algo is stacked, because it was used. You have probably one output
after 'modprobe tcrypt' and the other before :)
Right. The other (bigger) output is after starting IPSec. Sorry for the
noise and thank you for the explanation.
Best regards,
Krzusztof Olędzki