Hello, One of our customers uses the lawicel CANUSB can interface with the slcan driver, and we have noticed that in some tests where we introduce electrical errors to the bus the driver becomes unresponse, being no longer able to either send or receive any CAN frames. Reattaching the interface seems to mitigate the error. The suspicion is that the interface drops into bus-off mode; the serial protocol documentation of the CAN interface talks about an 'F' command for querying status bits, but it seems that the slcan driver does not implement this and has no knowledge of the interface is in a defunct state. `ip restart` or `ip restart-ms` both seem to be not implemented for this driver unfortunately: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported Is there a clean programmatic method for detecting and recovering from error states using the slcan driver? Is this CANUSB interface a good choice to use in production, or should we consider it "hobby quality" only?