Am 14.07.21 um 09:15 schrieb Michael S. Tsirkin:
As mentioned before don't make this AUTOSAR specific.
If the specs are more or less identical it might be worth it to link
to AUTOSAR too just because it can be downloaded for free.
The specs are not identical. But the specifications do not contradict,
we are talking about the same CAN. From this point of view inclusion
would be ok. But there was already a comment about the AUTOSAR
specifications highliting a problem. While the AUTOSAR spec is
downloadable for free it is not usable for free for all purposes. This
may be a problem or even a trap for people.
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 says on page 9 chapter "Disclaimer":
"This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the
material contained in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of
information only. ..."
"The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other
types of intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of
the material contained in this work requires a license to such
intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any
form or by any means, for informational purposes only. ..."
Cannot judge the exact impact of those sentences, I'm an engineer not a
lawyer. Not my field of expertise. Free downloadable seems not to mean
free usable so it may indeed be better to get rid of this reference
here. Poisoned? Don't know, looks so.
Dipl.-Ing. Harald Mommer
Senior Software Engineer
OpenSynergy GmbH
Rotherstr. 20, 10245 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 60 98 540-0 <== Zentrale
Fax: +49 (30) 60 98 540-99
E-Mail: harald.mommer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 108616B
Geschäftsführer/Managing Director: Regis Adjamah