On 23.01.19 08:45, laurent vaudoit wrote:
Hi all,
no feedback about this "problem"
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:26 PM laurent vaudoit
<laurent.vaudoit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
i'm using the old J1939 kernel implementation (with iproute2 specific),
but it seems transport layer as not change a lot.
Did you tested latest code?
Here is my problem:
on my board i setup an interface, with 0x4a as SA.
On a canalyzer i send a 0x0F segmented packet:
0x18EC214Ax: 10 0F 00 03 FF CD FF 00 ==> RTS
0x18EC4A21x: 11 03 01 FF FF CD FF 00 ==> CTS
0x18EB214Ax: 01 B2 1E 78 4D 61 72 6B ==> DT
0x18EB214Ax: 02 73 74 68 65 73 70 6F ==> DT
0x18EB214Ax: 03 74 FF FF FF FF FF FF==> DT
instead of sending an acknowledge, the board send an abort frame, with
0x05 reason:
0x18EC4A21x: FF 05 FF FF FF CD FF 00.
After activating some debug log in the kernel, i see that when i
receive the first Data Transfer frame, i get the error message:
j1939xtp_rx_dat: last 10
if i look into the function j1939xtp_rx_dat, i see that the switch on
last_cmd wait BAM (0x20 or CTS 0x11), but for me it should wait RTS
(0x10, as last_cmd is not modified when sending the CTS (last_tx_cmd
is updated at this step)
I don't know what code version are you using. Current code is updating
last_cmd for CTS.
i've tried to modify but the behaviour is worst as there is some
retrasnmission of the CTS frame
Would you have an idea on this behaviour?
please use latest version.
thanks in advance for your help
Best regards