Hello All,
Thanks for your work. Since version bluez-5.50 start-stop discovery work
from command line and scripts:
#bluetoothctl scan on
#bluetoothctl scan off
(see mail-list "Problem with StopDiscovery() via dbus-send")
My next task is to do pair with device from bash script. I tried several
1. #bluetoothctl pair 11:22:33:44:55:66 does not work because the agent
is not created.
2. Make agent via Dbus:
#dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.bluez
/org/bluez org.bluez.AgentManager1.RegisterAgent
objpath:/org/bluez/agent1 string:KeyboardOnly
the command works, but I do not see in Dbus /org/bluez/agent1 created.
3. Make agent via bluetoothctl:
[bluetooth]#agent on
the command works, but I do not see in Dbus agent path!.
May be possible to set a default pin code via /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
if it is available, do not make a request for a pin from the command
line? I think that then #bluetoothctl pair 11:22:33:44:55:66 will be
able to work fine.
Best regards,
Aleksandr Proklov