[PATCH 2/3] profiles/battery: Add Bluetooth LE Battery service

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Only the Battery Level characteristic was tested with a
Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse SE.

This patch however hopes to support both the Battery Level and
the Battery Power State characteristics.
 Makefile.plugins           |   3 +
 doc/battery-api.txt        |  36 +++
 profiles/battery/battery.c | 568 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 607 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/battery-api.txt
 create mode 100644 profiles/battery/battery.c

diff --git a/Makefile.plugins b/Makefile.plugins
index 73377e532..1f3b5b552 100644
--- a/Makefile.plugins
+++ b/Makefile.plugins
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ builtin_sources += profiles/midi/midi.c \
 builtin_ldadd += @ALSA_LIBS@
+builtin_modules += battery
+builtin_sources += profiles/battery/battery.c
 plugin_LTLIBRARIES += plugins/sixaxis.la
 plugins_sixaxis_la_SOURCES = plugins/sixaxis.c
diff --git a/doc/battery-api.txt b/doc/battery-api.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d28f7b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/battery-api.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+BlueZ D-Bus Battery API description
+Battery hierarchy
+Service		org.bluez
+Interface	org.bluez.Battery1
+Object path	[variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX
+Properties	boolean Present [readonly]
+			Whether the device has a battery present.
+		boolean Rechargeable [readonly]
+			Whether the battery built into the device is rechargeable
+			or not.
+		uint16 Percentage [readonly]
+			The percentage of battery left. Will be 0% percent if State is
+			used instead, depending on the Battery profile used by the device.
+		string State [readonly]
+			If Percentage is set, State will be an empty string. Otherwise this
+			will be one of 'unknown', 'discharging', 'charging' or
+			'fully-charged'.
+		string BatteryLevel [readonly]
+			If Percentage is set, BatteryLevel will be an empty string.
+			Otherwise this will be one of 'normal', 'critical' or
+			'unknown'.
diff --git a/profiles/battery/battery.c b/profiles/battery/battery.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e967e159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/battery/battery.c
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ *
+ *  BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2012  Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
+ *  Copyright (C) 2014  Google Inc.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017  Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "gdbus/gdbus.h"
+#include "lib/bluetooth.h"
+#include "lib/hci.h"
+#include "lib/sdp.h"
+#include "lib/uuid.h"
+#include "src/dbus-common.h"
+#include "src/shared/util.h"
+#include "src/shared/att.h"
+#include "src/shared/queue.h"
+#include "src/shared/gatt-db.h"
+#include "src/shared/gatt-client.h"
+#include "src/plugin.h"
+#include "src/adapter.h"
+#include "src/device.h"
+#include "src/profile.h"
+#include "src/service.h"
+#include "src/log.h"
+#include "attrib/att.h"
+#define BATTERY_INTERFACE "org.bluez.Battery1"
+#define BATT_UUID16 0x180f
+enum {
+/* Generic Attribute/Access Service */
+struct batt {
+	char *path; /* D-Bus path of device */
+	struct btd_device *device;
+	struct gatt_db *db;
+	struct bt_gatt_client *client;
+	struct gatt_db_attribute *attr;
+	unsigned int batt_level_cb_id;
+	uint16_t batt_level_io_handle;
+	unsigned int batt_power_state_cb_id;
+	uint16_t batt_power_state_io_handle;
+	bool present;
+	bool rechargeable;
+	guint16 percentage;
+	const char *state;
+	const char *battery_level;
+static void batt_free(struct batt *batt)
+	gatt_db_unref(batt->db);
+	bt_gatt_client_unref(batt->client);
+	btd_device_unref(batt->device);
+	g_free(batt);
+static void parse_battery_level(struct batt *batt,
+				const uint8_t *value)
+	uint8_t percentage;
+	if (batt->present == false) {
+		batt->present = true;
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "Present");
+	}
+	percentage = value[0];
+	if (batt->percentage != percentage) {
+		batt->percentage = percentage;
+		DBG("Battery Level updated: %d%%", percentage);
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "Percentage");
+	}
+static void parse_battery_power_state(struct batt *batt,
+					const uint8_t *value)
+	guint8 batt_presence;
+	guint8 discharge_state;
+	guint8 charge_state;
+	guint8 battery_level;
+	bool present;
+	bool rechargeable;
+	const char *state;
+	const char *battery_level_s;
+	/* Values explained at:
+	 * https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/viewer?attributeXmlFile=org.bluetooth.characteristic.battery_power_state.xml */
+	batt_presence = value[0] & 0b11;
+	discharge_state = (value[0] >> 2) & 0b11;
+	charge_state = (value[0] >> 4) & 0b11;
+	battery_level = (value[0] >> 6) & 0b11;
+	/* Transform the attribute values into something consumable by UPower
+	 * The string values are a subset of upower's up-types.c */
+	if (batt_presence == 3) {
+		present = true;
+	} else {
+		present = false;
+		rechargeable = false;
+		state = "unknown";
+		battery_level_s = "unknown";
+		goto out;
+	}
+	rechargeable = !(charge_state == 1);
+	if (discharge_state == 3)
+		state = "discharging";
+	else if (charge_state == 3)
+		state = "charging";
+	else
+		state = "fully-charged";
+	if (battery_level == 2)
+		battery_level_s = "normal";
+	else if (battery_level == 3)
+		battery_level_s = "critical";
+	else
+		battery_level_s = "unknown";
+	if (present != batt->present) {
+		batt->present = present;
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "Present");
+	}
+	if (rechargeable != batt->rechargeable) {
+		batt->rechargeable = rechargeable;
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "Rechargeable");
+	}
+	if (g_strcmp0(state, batt->state) != 0) {
+		batt->state = state;
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "State");
+	}
+	if (g_strcmp0(battery_level_s, batt->battery_level) != 0) {
+		batt->battery_level = battery_level_s;
+		g_dbus_emit_property_changed(btd_get_dbus_connection(), batt->path,
+						BATTERY_INTERFACE, "BatteryLevel");
+	}
+	DBG("Power State 0x%X computed to:", value[0]);
+	DBG("present: %s rechargeable: %s state: %s battery_level: %s",
+			present ? "true" : "false",
+			rechargeable ? "true" : "false",
+			state, battery_level_s);
+static void batt_io_value_cb(uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t *value,
+                             uint16_t length, void *user_data)
+	struct batt *batt = user_data;
+	if (value_handle == batt->batt_level_io_handle) {
+		parse_battery_level(batt, value);
+	} else if (value_handle == batt->batt_power_state_io_handle) {
+		parse_battery_power_state(batt, value);
+	} else {
+		g_assert_not_reached();
+	}
+static void batt_io_ccc_written_cb(uint16_t att_ecode, void *user_data)
+	guint char_type = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(user_data);
+	if (att_ecode != 0) {
+		if (char_type == BATTERY_LEVEL) {
+			error("Battery Level: notifications not enabled %s",
+				att_ecode2str(att_ecode));
+		} else if (char_type == BATTERY_POWER_STATE) {
+			error("Battery Power State: notifications not enabled %s",
+				att_ecode2str(att_ecode));
+		} else {
+			g_assert_not_reached();
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	DBG("Battery Level: notification enabled");
+static void read_initial_battery_power_state_cb(bool success,
+							uint8_t att_ecode,
+							const uint8_t *value,
+							uint16_t length,
+							void *user_data)
+	struct batt *batt = user_data;
+	if (!success) {
+		DBG("Reading battery power state failed with ATT errror: %u",
+								att_ecode);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!length)
+		return;
+	parse_battery_power_state(batt, value);
+	/* request notify */
+	batt->batt_power_state_cb_id =
+		bt_gatt_client_register_notify(batt->client,
+		                               batt->batt_power_state_io_handle,
+		                               batt_io_ccc_written_cb,
+		                               batt_io_value_cb,
+		                               batt,
+		                               GUINT_TO_POINTER(BATTERY_POWER_STATE));
+static void read_initial_battery_level_cb(bool success,
+						uint8_t att_ecode,
+						const uint8_t *value,
+						uint16_t length,
+						void *user_data)
+	struct batt *batt = user_data;
+	if (!success) {
+		DBG("Reading battery level failed with ATT errror: %u",
+								att_ecode);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!length)
+		return;
+	parse_battery_level(batt, value);
+	/* request notify */
+	batt->batt_level_cb_id =
+		bt_gatt_client_register_notify(batt->client,
+		                               batt->batt_level_io_handle,
+		                               batt_io_ccc_written_cb,
+		                               batt_io_value_cb,
+		                               batt,
+		                               GUINT_TO_POINTER(BATTERY_LEVEL));
+static void handle_battery_level(struct batt *batt, uint16_t value_handle)
+	batt->batt_level_io_handle = value_handle;
+	if (!bt_gatt_client_read_value(batt->client, batt->batt_level_io_handle,
+						read_initial_battery_level_cb, batt, NULL))
+		DBG("Failed to send request to read battery level");
+static void handle_battery_power_state(struct batt *batt, uint16_t value_handle)
+	batt->batt_power_state_io_handle = value_handle;
+	if (!bt_gatt_client_read_value(batt->client, batt->batt_power_state_io_handle,
+						read_initial_battery_power_state_cb, batt, NULL))
+		DBG("Failed to send request to read battery power state");
+static bool uuid_cmp(uint16_t u16, const bt_uuid_t *uuid)
+	bt_uuid_t lhs;
+	bt_uuid16_create(&lhs, u16);
+	return bt_uuid_cmp(&lhs, uuid) == 0;
+static void handle_characteristic(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr,
+								void *user_data)
+	struct batt *batt = user_data;
+	uint16_t value_handle;
+	bt_uuid_t uuid;
+	if (!gatt_db_attribute_get_char_data(attr, NULL, &value_handle, NULL,
+								NULL, &uuid)) {
+		error("Failed to obtain characteristic data");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (uuid_cmp(GATT_CHARAC_BATTERY_LEVEL, &uuid))
+		handle_battery_level(batt, value_handle);
+	else if (uuid_cmp(GATT_CHARAC_BATTERY_POWER_STATE, &uuid))
+		handle_battery_power_state(batt, value_handle);
+	else {
+		char uuid_str[MAX_LEN_UUID_STR];
+		bt_uuid_to_string(&uuid, uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str));
+		DBG("Unsupported characteristic: %s", uuid_str);
+	}
+static void handle_batt_service(struct batt *batt)
+	gatt_db_service_foreach_char(batt->attr, handle_characteristic, batt);
+static int batt_probe(struct btd_service *service)
+	struct btd_device *device = btd_service_get_device(service);
+	struct batt *batt = btd_service_get_user_data(service);
+	char addr[18];
+	ba2str(device_get_address(device), addr);
+	DBG("BATT profile probe (%s)", addr);
+	/* Ignore, if we were probed for this device already */
+	if (batt) {
+		error("Profile probed twice for the same device!");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	batt = g_new0(struct batt, 1);
+	if (!batt)
+		return -1;
+	batt->percentage = -1;
+	batt->device = btd_device_ref(device);
+	btd_service_set_user_data(service, batt);
+	return 0;
+static void batt_remove(struct btd_service *service)
+	struct btd_device *device = btd_service_get_device(service);
+	struct batt *batt;
+	char addr[18];
+	ba2str(device_get_address(device), addr);
+	DBG("BATT profile remove (%s)", addr);
+	batt = btd_service_get_user_data(service);
+	if (!batt) {
+		error("BATT service not handled by profile");
+		return;
+	}
+	batt_free(batt);
+static void foreach_batt_service(struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data)
+	struct batt *batt = user_data;
+	if (batt->attr) {
+		error("More than one BATT service exists for this device");
+		return;
+	}
+	batt->attr = attr;
+	handle_batt_service(batt);
+static void batt_reset(struct batt *batt)
+	batt->attr = NULL;
+	gatt_db_unref(batt->db);
+	batt->db = NULL;
+	bt_gatt_client_unregister_notify(batt->client, batt->batt_power_state_cb_id);
+	bt_gatt_client_unregister_notify(batt->client, batt->batt_level_cb_id);
+	bt_gatt_client_unref(batt->client);
+	batt->client = NULL;
+	if (batt->path) {
+		g_dbus_unregister_interface(btd_get_dbus_connection(),
+					    batt->path, BATTERY_INTERFACE);
+		g_free(batt->path);
+		batt->path = NULL;
+	}
+static gboolean property_get_battery_level(
+					const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
+					DBusMessageIter *iter, void *data)
+	struct batt *batt = data;
+	const char *empty_str = "";
+	if (!batt->battery_level)
+		dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &empty_str);
+	else
+		dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &batt->battery_level);
+	return TRUE;
+static gboolean property_get_state(
+					const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
+					DBusMessageIter *iter, void *data)
+	struct batt *batt = data;
+	const char *empty_str = "";
+	if (!batt->state)
+		dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &empty_str);
+	else
+		dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &batt->state);
+	return TRUE;
+static gboolean property_get_percentage(
+					const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
+					DBusMessageIter *iter, void *data)
+	struct batt *batt = data;
+	dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &batt->percentage);
+	return TRUE;
+static gboolean property_get_rechargeable(
+					const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
+					DBusMessageIter *iter, void *data)
+	struct batt *batt = data;
+	dbus_bool_t rechargeable;
+	rechargeable = batt->rechargeable ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &rechargeable);
+	return TRUE;
+static gboolean property_get_present(
+					const GDBusPropertyTable *property,
+					DBusMessageIter *iter, void *data)
+	struct batt *batt = data;
+	dbus_bool_t present;
+	present = batt->present ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &present);
+	return TRUE;
+static const GDBusPropertyTable battery_properties[] = {
+	{ "Present", "b", property_get_present },
+	{ "Rechargeable", "b", property_get_rechargeable },
+	{ "Percentage", "q", property_get_percentage },
+	{ "State", "s", property_get_state },
+	{ "BatteryLevel", "s", property_get_battery_level },
+	{ }
+static int batt_accept(struct btd_service *service)
+	struct btd_device *device = btd_service_get_device(service);
+	struct gatt_db *db = btd_device_get_gatt_db(device);
+	struct bt_gatt_client *client = btd_device_get_gatt_client(device);
+	struct batt *batt = btd_service_get_user_data(service);
+	char addr[18];
+	bt_uuid_t batt_uuid;
+	ba2str(device_get_address(device), addr);
+	DBG("BATT profile accept (%s)", addr);
+	if (!batt) {
+		error("BATT service not handled by profile");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	batt->db = gatt_db_ref(db);
+	batt->client = bt_gatt_client_clone(client);
+	/* Handle the BATT services */
+	bt_uuid16_create(&batt_uuid, BATT_UUID16);
+	gatt_db_foreach_service(db, &batt_uuid, foreach_batt_service, batt);
+	if (!batt->attr) {
+		error("BATT attribute not found");
+		batt_reset(batt);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	batt->path = g_strdup (device_get_path(device));
+	if (g_dbus_register_interface(btd_get_dbus_connection(),
+					batt->path, BATTERY_INTERFACE,
+					NULL, NULL,
+					battery_properties, batt,
+					NULL) == FALSE) {
+		error("Unable to register %s interface for %s",
+			BATTERY_INTERFACE, batt->path);
+		batt_reset(batt);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	btd_service_connecting_complete(service, 0);
+	return 0;
+static int batt_disconnect(struct btd_service *service)
+	struct batt *batt = btd_service_get_user_data(service);
+	batt_reset(batt);
+	btd_service_disconnecting_complete(service, 0);
+	return 0;
+static struct btd_profile batt_profile = {
+	.name		= "batt-profile",
+	.remote_uuid	= BATTERY_UUID,
+	.device_probe	= batt_probe,
+	.device_remove	= batt_remove,
+	.accept		= batt_accept,
+	.disconnect	= batt_disconnect,
+static int batt_init(void)
+	return btd_profile_register(&batt_profile);
+static void batt_exit(void)
+	btd_profile_unregister(&batt_profile);
+							batt_init, batt_exit)

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