Hello, I have a doubt with current discovery mechanism. Suppose application 1 calls "StartDiscovery". for which "Discovering = TRUE" comes and then deviceFound signals starts coming. In the mean time application 2 calls "StartDiscovery" which will be queued in BlueZ. Then "discovering = FALSE" comes for the discovery initiated from application 1. Then as per BlueZ design, it will restart discovery for application 1 since it has not called "StopDiscovery" yet. So "discovering = TRUE" comes again, which application 2 thinks that it belongs to him. Then if application 1 calls "StopDiscovery" immediately, discovery will be stopped and "Discovering = FALSE" comes with which application 2 too thinks that discovery initiated by him is also done. So eventually application 2 will not get any devices. So I think with current design, applications that are interested only in one complete inquiry session will be in trouble. So can we disable the automatic reinitiating of device discovery? Or is there any way to handle this scenario? Thanks, Jaganathÿôèº{.nÇ+‰·Ÿ®‰†+%ŠËÿ±éݶ¥Šwÿº{.nÇ+‰·¥Š{±ý¹nzÚ(¶âžØ^n‡r¡ö¦zË?ëh™¨èÚ&£ûàz¿äz¹Þ—ú+€Ê+zf£¢·hšˆ§~††Ûiÿÿï?êÿ‘êçz_è®æj:+v‰¨þ)ߣøm