Branch: refs/heads/master Home: Commit: 4b4c9383d58ad63faf18908e5d3864d52dc686c1 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2025-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2025) Changed paths: M src/shared/bap.c M src/shared/bap.h Log Message: ----------- shared/bap: Add support to register bis callbacks This adds support for registering BIS probe/remove calllbacks with shared/bap. This is needed by the BAP Broadcast Assistant (BASS Client) implementation, so that the BAP plugin can notify BISes discovered after parsing the BASE to BASS, avoiding direct function calls between plugins. Commit: f49953d96fab77fccf80ab5af56538ac749c3489 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2025-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2025) Changed paths: M profiles/audio/bass.c Log Message: ----------- bass: Create BASS session with Broadcasters In the BASS plugin, BAP sessions created with scanned Broadcasters are notified in the bap attached callback. This creates BASS data for these devices as well, to internally keep information about the sessions. Commit: d68dc1fd03bc86a5427ca8738c04fb692cc95263 Author: Iulia Tanasescu <iulia.tanasescu@xxxxxxx> Date: 2025-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2025) Changed paths: M profiles/audio/bap.c M profiles/audio/bass.c M profiles/audio/bass.h Log Message: ----------- bass: Register bis probe/remove callbacks This removes the BASS add/remove stream APIs and uses shared/bap to register BIS probe/remove callbacks instead, to avoid making direct calls between plugins. Compare: To unsubscribe from these emails, change your notification settings at