Hoi Coly,
Thanks for the info. Up till 2015 g2b was maintaining bcache-tools, I
still have an open pull request: https://github.com/g2p/bcache-tools/pull/20
"It may be useful to set bcache parameters in an early stage during
boot, for example to tune the boot performance when the root fs is
on a bcache device. The best moment is right before the root fs is
actually mounted, which means it may need to be done in the initramfs."
I include this change already in the Fedora packages, because upstream
got a little stuck. But now upstream may be alive again, what's the
proper way to send pull requests?
On 08/06/2018 03:01 PM, Coly Li wrote:
On 2018/8/6 2:39 AM, Rolf Fokkens wrote:
I'm the maintainer of the bcache-tools package for Fedora, and bcache
tools has been quiet for a while so I wasn't paying attention. But I
accidentally noticed there's stuff going on again with bcache tools. I
did a quick search in the mail archives to see where the new
bcache-tools git repository is (I think
https://bcache.evilpiepirate.org/ doesn't point in the right direction),
and I'm not able to find it.
Could anybody point me to the git repo that contains the latest
Hi Rolf,
So far we don't have any change to bcache-tools, there are some changes
in progress, notable once are big endian support and bcache-ctl.
Big endian support is still under developing. bcache-ctl seems to work
well so far, but the author does not post patch yet.
I tend to keep all the changes inhttps://bcache.evilpiepirate.org until
it is necessary to change the git repo.
Coly Li
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