Re: [PULL] bcache fixes for v4.5-rc6

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On 03/02/2016 07:09 PM, Eric Wheeler wrote:
On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, Jens Axboe wrote:

On 02/29/2016 06:08 PM, Eric Wheeler wrote:
Hi Jens,

Can we still get these in for 4.5?  One is a race, the other is just error

Please pull:
    git pull

bcache: fix race of writeback thread starting before complete initialization
bcache: cleaned up error handling around register_cache()
They look simple enough, though I generally don't like collapsing things like

if ((ret = cache_alloc(sb, ca)) != 0)

it's easy to screw up, doing

ret = cache_alloc(sb, ca);
if (ret != 0)
Done.  Rebased, fixed, and push --force'ed.
Cool, I will pull it in.

BTW, Is there a better (preferred) way vs. push --force?  Some say push
--force can break things.
If you rebased, there's really no way around that, other than spinning a 
new branch with the new changes. The rebase is what breaks things for 
people, the --force is just a side effect since you have to do that to 
push it to the same branch again. It's only really a concern if people 
are continually pulling from you and developing on top of your branch, 
for something like this, it's not a huge problem.
Jens Axboe

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