[RFC] bcache-status

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Hi all,

I wrote a script to dump out various stats about a bcache.  It would be nice
eventually to put it into bcache-tools so that users don't have to go digging
through sysfs, but for now I'm really just wondering, does this program
interpret the sysfs files correctly?

I'm particularly anxious about 'cache used' since it's just reading out of
/sys/fs/bcache/*/cache*/priority_stats and multiplying by cache size...

...also I wonder what the negative dirty data count means?

$ bcache-status -s
--- bcache ---
Device                      /dev/bcache0 (253:0)
UUID                        c4157b48-5cdc-4554-8ce6-520dafdbac55
Block Size                  4.00KiB
Bucket Size                 512.00KiB
Congested?                  False
Read Congestion             2.0ms
Write Congestion            20.0ms
Total Cache Size            205.66GiB
Total Cache Used            26.74GiB	(12%)
Total Cache Unused          178.92GiB	(87%)
Dirty Data                  0B	(0%)
Evictable Cache             205.66GiB	(100%)
Replacement Policy          [lru] fifo random
Cache Mode                  writethrough [writeback] writearound none
Total Hits                  263809	(56%)
Total Misses                199136
Total Bypass Hits           9079	(100%)
Total Bypass Misses         0
Total Bypassed              2.70GiB
--- Backing Device ---
  Device                    /dev/sdb1 (8:17)
  Size                      698.64GiB
  Cache Mode                writethrough [writeback] writearound none
  Readahead                 0
  Sequential Cutoff         4.00MiB
  Merge sequential?         True
  State                     dirty
  Writeback?                True
  Dirty Data                -2.10MiB
  Total Hits                263809	(56%)
  Total Misses              199136
  Total Bypass Hits         9079	(100%)
  Total Bypass Misses       0
  Total Bypassed            2.60GiB
--- Cache Device ---
  Device                    /dev/sda4 (8:4)
  Size                      205.66GiB
  Block Size                4.00KiB
  Bucket Size               512.00KiB
  Replacement Policy        [lru] fifo random
  Discard?                  False
  I/O Errors                0
  Metadata Written          1.10GiB
  Data Written              25.30GiB
  Buckets                   421190
  Cache Used                26.74GiB	(12%)
  Cache Unused              178.92GiB	(87%)


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Dumb script to dump (some) of bcache status
# Copyright 2013 Darrick J. Wong. All rights reserved.
# This program is licensed under GPLv2.

import os
import sys


def file_to_lines(fname):
		with open(fname, "r") as fd:
			return fd.readlines()
		return []

def file_to_line(fname):
	ret = file_to_lines(fname)
	if len(ret) > 0:
		return ret[0].strip()
	return ''

def str_to_bool(x):
	if x == '1':
		return True
	return False

def format_sectors(x):
	'''Pretty print a sector count.'''
	sectors = int(x)
	asectors = abs(sectors)

	if asectors == 0:
		return '0B'
	elif asectors < 2048:
		return '%.2fKiB' % (sectors / 2)
	elif asectors < 2097152:
		return '%.2fMiB' % (sectors / 2048)
	elif asectors < 2147483648:
		return '%.2fGiB' % (sectors / 2097152)
		return '%.2fTiB' % (sectors / 2147483648)

def interpret_sectors(x):
	'''Interpret a pretty-printed disk size.'''
	factors = {
		'k': 1 << 10,
		'M': 1 << 20,
		'G': 1 << 30,
		'T': 1 << 40,
		'P': 1 << 50,
		'E': 1 << 60,
		'Z': 1 << 70,
		'Y': 1 << 80,

	factor = 1
	if x[-1] in factors:
		factor = factors[x[-1]]
		x = x[:-1]
	return int(float(x) * factor / 512)

def pretty_size(x):
	return format_sectors(interpret_sectors(x))

def dump_bdev(bdev_path):
	'''Dump a backing device stats.'''
	global MAX_KEY_LENGTH, devnum_map
	attrs = [
		('../dev',		'Device',		lambda x: '%s (%s)' % (devnum_map.get(x, '?'), x)),
		('../size',		'Size',			format_sectors),
		('cache_mode',		'Cache Mode',		None),
		('readahead',		'Readahead',		None),
		('sequential_cutoff',	'Sequential Cutoff',	pretty_size),
		('sequential_merge',	'Merge sequential?',	str_to_bool),
		('state',		'State',		None),
		('writeback_running',	'Writeback?',		str_to_bool),
		('dirty_data',		'Dirty Data',		pretty_size),

	print('--- Backing Device ---')
	for (sysfs_name, display_name, conversion_func) in attrs:
		val = file_to_line('%s/%s' % (bdev_path, sysfs_name))
		if conversion_func is not None:
			val = conversion_func(val)
		if display_name is None:
			display_name = sysfs_name
		print('  %-*s%s' % (MAX_KEY_LENGTH - 2, display_name, val))

def dump_cachedev(cachedev_path):
	'''Dump a cachding device stats.'''
	def fmt_cachesize(val):
		return '%s\t(%d%%)' % (format_sectors(val), float(val) / cache_size * 100)

	global MAX_KEY_LENGTH, devnum_map
	attrs = [
		('../dev',			'Device',		lambda x: '%s (%s)' % (devnum_map.get(x, '?'), x)),
		('../size',			'Size',			format_sectors),
		('block_size',			'Block Size',		pretty_size),
		('bucket_size',			'Bucket Size',		pretty_size),
		('cache_replacement_policy',	'Replacement Policy',	None),
		('discard',			'Discard?',		str_to_bool),
		('io_errors',			'I/O Errors',		None),
		('metadata_written',		'Metadata Written',	pretty_size),
		('written',			'Data Written',		pretty_size),
		('nbuckets',			'Buckets',		None),
		(None,				'Cache Used',		lambda x: fmt_cachesize(used_sectors)),
		(None,				'Cache Unused',		lambda x: fmt_cachesize(unused_sectors)),

	stats = get_cache_priority_stats(cachedev_path)
	cache_size = int(file_to_line('%s/../size' % cachedev_path))
	unused_sectors = float(stats['Unused'][:-1]) * cache_size / 100
	used_sectors = cache_size - unused_sectors

	print('--- Cache Device ---')
	for (sysfs_name, display_name, conversion_func) in attrs:
		if sysfs_name is not None:
			val = file_to_line('%s/%s' % (cachedev_path, sysfs_name))
		if conversion_func is not None:
			val = conversion_func(val)
		if display_name is None:
			display_name = sysfs_name
		print('  %-*s%s' % (MAX_KEY_LENGTH - 2, display_name, val))

def hits_to_str(hits_str, misses_str):
	'''Render a hits/misses ratio as a string.'''
	hits = int(hits_str)
	misses = int(misses_str)

	ret = '%d' % hits
	if hits + misses != 0:
		ret = '%s\t(%.d%%)' % (ret, 100 * hits / (hits + misses))
	return ret

def dump_stats(sysfs_path, indent_str, stats):
	'''Dump stats on a bcache device.'''
	stat_types = [
		('five_minute',	'Last 5min'),
		('hour',	'Last Hour'),
		('day',		'Last Day'),
		('total',	'Total'),
	attrs = ['bypassed', 'cache_bypass_hits', 'cache_bypass_misses', 'cache_hits', 'cache_misses']
	display = [
		('Hits',		lambda: hits_to_str(stat_data['cache_hits'], stat_data['cache_misses'])),
		('Misses',		lambda: stat_data['cache_misses']),
		('Bypass Hits',		lambda: hits_to_str(stat_data['cache_bypass_hits'], stat_data['cache_bypass_misses'])),
		('Bypass Misses',	lambda: stat_data['cache_bypass_misses']),
		('Bypassed',		lambda: pretty_size(stat_data['bypassed'])),

	for (sysfs_name, stat_display_name) in stat_types:
		if len(stats) > 0 and sysfs_name not in stats:
		stat_data = {}
		for attr in attrs:
			val = file_to_line('%s/stats_%s/%s' % (sysfs_path, sysfs_name, attr))
			stat_data[attr] = val
		for (display_name, str_func) in display:
			d = '%s%s %s' % (indent_str, stat_display_name, display_name)
			print('%-*s%s' % (MAX_KEY_LENGTH, d, str_func()))

def get_cache_priority_stats(cache):
	'''Retrieve priority stats from a cache.'''
	attrs = {}

	for line in file_to_lines('%s/priority_stats' % cache):
		x = line.split()
		key = x[0]
		value = x[1]
		attrs[key[:-1]] = value
	return attrs

def dump_bcache(bcache_sysfs_path, stats, print_subdevices, device):
	'''Dump bcache stats'''
	global devnum_map
	def fmt_cachesize(val):
		return '%s\t(%d%%)' % (format_sectors(val), 100.0 * val / cache_sectors)

	attrs = [
		(None,					'Device',		lambda x: '%s (%s)' % (devnum_map.get(device, '?'), device)),
		(None,					'UUID',			lambda x: os.path.basename(bcache_sysfs_path)),
		('block_size',				'Block Size',		pretty_size),
		('bucket_size',				'Bucket Size',		pretty_size),
		('congested', 				'Congested?',		str_to_bool),
		('congested_read_threshold_us',		'Read Congestion',	lambda x: '%.1fms' % (int(x) / 1000)),
		('congested_write_threshold_us',	'Write Congestion',	lambda x: '%.1fms' % (int(x) / 1000)),
		(None,					'Total Cache Size',	lambda x: format_sectors(cache_sectors)),
		(None,					'Total Cache Used',	lambda x: fmt_cachesize(cache_used_sectors)),
		(None,					'Total Cache Unused',	lambda x: fmt_cachesize(cache_unused_sectors)),
		('dirty_data',				'Dirty Data',		lambda x: fmt_cachesize(interpret_sectors(x))),
		('cache_available_percent',		'Evictable Cache',	lambda x: '%s\t(%s%%)' % (format_sectors(float(x) * cache_sectors / 100), x)),
		(None,					'Replacement Policy',	lambda x: replacement_policies.pop() if len(replacement_policies) == 1 else '(Unknown)'),
		(None,					'Cache Mode',		lambda x: cache_modes.pop() if len(cache_modes) == 1 else '(Unknown)'),

	# Calculate aggregate data
	cache_sectors = 0
	cache_unused_sectors = 0
	cache_modes = set()
	replacement_policies = set()
	for obj in os.listdir(bcache_sysfs_path):
		if not os.path.isdir('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj)):
		if obj.startswith('cache'):
			cache_size = int(file_to_line('%s/%s/../size' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj)))
			cache_sectors += cache_size
			cstats = get_cache_priority_stats('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj))
			unused_size = float(cstats['Unused'][:-1]) * cache_size / 100
			cache_unused_sectors += unused_size
			replacement_policies.add(file_to_line('%s/%s/cache_replacement_policy' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj)))
		elif obj.startswith('bdev'):
			cache_modes.add(file_to_line('%s/%s/cache_mode' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj)))
	cache_used_sectors = cache_sectors - cache_unused_sectors

	# Dump basic stats
	print("--- bcache ---")
	for (sysfs_name, display_name, conversion_func) in attrs:
		if sysfs_name is not None:
			val = file_to_line('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, sysfs_name))
			val = None
		if conversion_func is not None:
			val = conversion_func(val)
		if display_name is None:
			display_name = sysfs_name
		print('%-*s%s' % (MAX_KEY_LENGTH, display_name, val))
	dump_stats(bcache_sysfs_path, '', stats)

	# Dump sub-device stats
	if not print_subdevices:
	for obj in os.listdir(bcache_sysfs_path):
		if not os.path.isdir('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj)):
		if obj.startswith('bdev'):
			dump_bdev('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj))
			dump_stats('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj), '  ', stats)
		elif obj.startswith('cache'):
			dump_cachedev('%s/%s' % (bcache_sysfs_path, obj))

def map_uuid_to_device():
	'''Map bcache UUIDs to device files.'''
	ret = {}

	for bdev in os.listdir(SYSFS_BLOCK_PATH):
		link = '%s%s/bcache/cache' % (SYSFS_BLOCK_PATH, bdev)
		if not os.path.islink(link):
		basename = os.path.basename(os.readlink(link))
		ret[basename] = file_to_line('%s%s/dev' % (SYSFS_BLOCK_PATH, bdev))
	return ret

def map_devnum_to_device():
	'''Map device numbers to device files.'''
	ret = {}

	for bdev in os.listdir(DEV_BLOCK_PATH):
		ret[bdev] = os.path.realpath('%s%s' % (DEV_BLOCK_PATH, bdev))

	return ret

def print_help():
	print('Usage: %s [OPTIONS]' % sys.argv[0])
	print(' -f	Print the last five minutes of stats.')
	print(' -d	Print the last hour of stats.')
	print(' -h	Print the last day of stats.')
	print(' -t	Print total stats.')
	print(' -a	Print all stats.')
	print(' -r	Reset stats after printing them.')
	print(' -s	Print subdevice status.')
	print(' -g	Invoke GC before printing status.')
	print('By default, print only the total stats.')

def main():
	'''Main function'''
	global uuid_map, devnum_map
	stats = set()
	reset_stats = False
	print_subdevices = False
	run_gc = False

	for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
		if arg == '--help':
			return 0
		elif arg == '-f':
		elif arg == '-h':
		elif arg == '-d':
		elif arg == '-t':
		elif arg == '-a':
		elif arg == '-r':
			reset_stats = True
		elif arg == '-s':
			print_subdevices = True
		elif arg == '-g':
			run_gc = True
			return 0
	if len(stats) == 0:

	uuid_map = map_uuid_to_device()
	devnum_map = map_devnum_to_device()
	for cache in os.listdir(SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH):
		if not os.path.isdir('%s%s' % (SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH, cache)):

		if run_gc:
			with open('%s%s/internal/trigger_gc' % (SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH, cache), 'w') as fd:

		dump_bcache('%s%s' % (SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH, cache), stats, print_subdevices, uuid_map.get(cache, '?'))

		if reset_stats:
			with open('%s%s/clear_stats' % (SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH, cache), 'w') as fd:

SYSFS_BCACHE_PATH = '/sys/fs/bcache/'
SYSFS_BLOCK_PATH = '/sys/block/'
DEV_BLOCK_PATH = '/dev/block/'
if __name__ == '__main__':

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