It does start like this
On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:18:39 +0100, James Stone <jamesmstone@xxxxxxxxx>
make their money from teaching and salaries as part of an orchestra
And when being pissed off for what reasons ever or the doctor warns you,
it continues like that
On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:31:50 +0100, drew Roberts <zotz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
non-music related day jobs
or audio engineering, also an annoying job and/or unemployment benefit,
resp. social benefits. It depends to the employment market and physical
and/or psychological health.
Some people are able to get enough money from selling audio medias, while
they don't make horrible music, they are exceptions.
I'm re-educated, but since I missed the study about astronauts, I'm
jobless at the moment. Nobody needs an astronaut here ;), SCNR.
The study is ridiculous and redundant, but I suspect it's because were are
living in a world of casting shows, where people confuse being a musician
with being a model.
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