Re: debugging conflicts Pulseaudio/Jack

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On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 07:23:17 +0100, Brendan Jones <> wrote:
On 01/18/2013 01:00 AM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:

On Fri, January 18, 2013 10:47 am, Federico Bruni wrote:

I've chosen the option 3 (route PulseAudio to JACK while JACK is
running) of this guide:

BTW, is down since yesterday.

It used to work fine in the past but I'm having an issue just after
using Stretchplayer (and therefore jack).
I'm on Debian testing (Gnome 3.4.2). I can't see anymore the audio
applet. In Settings»Audio I see that there's no output device.
The applications that are trying to use Pulseaudio are listed but of
course no sound is produced.

jackd is not running.
pulseaudio-module-jack is installed and my ~/.pulse/ contains
the following lines:

load-module module-native-protocol-unix
load-module module-jack-sink channels=2
load-module module-jack-source channels=2
load-module module-null-sink
load-module module-stream-restore
load-module module-rescue-streams
load-module module-always-sink
load-module module-suspend-on-idle
set-default-sink jack_out
set-default-source jack_in

How can I debug this problem?
Thanks in advance

There is a bug in Pulseaudio that is stopping pa from releasing the audio

The temporary solution until it is fixed and released is to disable
autospawn and restart pa.

edit ~/.pulse/client.conf


     autospawn = no

restart pulse with

     pulseaudio -k
     pulseaudio -D

or maybe with

     pasuspender -- jackd

If that fails you may need to completely kill pulse or just restart the
machine to get it to release the audio device. Once you have disabled
autospawn it should only need to be done once and only if you have already
been using pulse to listen to a some audio.

We have noticed a problem with audio reservation in Fedora. Ian has has some success with this patch (as have I) but I'm at a loss to understand why, it just seems to work...

This has got nearly the quality of a conspiracy :D. I know people who are banned on at least one list, a long time ago, when they were writing about issues with pulseaudio and systemd. People who serious reported bugs were abused with "Ponyland" mockery of the main coder. ALSA was blamed, when pulseaudio didn't work. And no, I'm not banned, I'm not affected, since I neither use pulseaudio nor systemd. It now emerges that those so called trolls were right? They were no trolls? Pulseaudio still isn't working, but mailing lists again get spammed with mails about pulseaudio? This is a running gag. How about removing pulseaudio? It's good for nothing! Jack and ALSA are working very good without pulseaudio. Strange that stable distro releases have it as a hard dependency. Is pulseaudio really important again on jack devel and Linux audio lists? When will this ever stop? Beta software for the basic parts of the OS simply shouldn't be used for stable environments.

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