Y-ellow All.
Thanks for the headsup on the loader. Unfortunately none of this
stuff seemed to be installed with TangoStudio and apt-get fails to find it.
Having said that, if there is only a command line interface to talk to the
emu10k1 then it's largely moot. Since without being able to be controlled
from the sequencer, it's useless.
I'll try a few of the other distros again and see if I fair better but it's
looking like I will have to concede defeat and resort to using windows as a
sampler. Something that I was hoping not to do, but I am out of time.
Perhaps one day when I have the time and can come at this from another
angle this will be more plausible.
It's a shame though. I was rather hoping to be able to say that I used
linux exclusively. Rather than the risk of giving free press to some less
deserving corporation or other.
Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated.
Be absolutely icebox.
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Goodfortune |_____| http://all-electric.com
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