Wooooo -- I am getting real reviews and I am not a real musician!! Actually I was asking about technical questions like the movie, the software used for making it -- settings and interactions etc etc but now that you folks are talking about the music (which is after all the ultimate intent -- just that I forgot) maybe I give a little context and my intentions. This Gurdjieff-music is not meant for hearing but for 'sacred movements' see for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awvAdAL9RMM&feature=player_embedded wherein the intention is not primarily the music or the 'beauty' but making the head and the two arms move independently of each other and in unison with other participants. At least thats the intention of its creators Gurdjieff and de Hartmann as I understand it. My own intentions are slightly different in that I want to see how far music that is not normally sung can be sung in 2,3,4 parts. I dont restrict myself to Gurdjieff music for this -- Bach, Beethoven, early church is all good in its own way. I grew up with Tovey's commentaries on Beethoven sonatas in which regarding the coda of the Hammerklavier fugue he says -- remember this is not 2 fists but 3 voices uniting. Even good musicians are surprised at how singable Beethoven's appasionata. See score: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B3gsacOF56PxMTk2NjkyMmMtYjE0MC00MzRiLTk0MjctMjQ5OWY1YWE2ZmRi&hl=en&authkey=COjVn4QB audio: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3gsacOF56PxOGY5Y2JkOTMtZjdlZC00MWVjLTkxOWQtZjRlYzBkYzk5NjFh&hl=en&authkey=CO_Y-5gI Zipping the audio and video is some work -- will do it if someone wants. The original is thus: http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/BeethovenLv/O57/LVB_Sonate_57_2/LVB_Sonate_57_2-a4.pdf My contention is that Beethoven was actually hearing 4 voices and rendering (poorly) for two fists. > I thought it got a little melodically and rhythmically dull during the middle. : : > I wonder if a change of organ stops partway through would add focus. Yes of course but Ive to figure out timidity, soundfonts, jack and God-knows what else to get there. Higher priority for me is to convince timidity to play in non-equal temperaments ------------------ In short: This is not intended primarily to be music for listening but a prop for people trying to sing. Rusi PS Wont be on the net for a few days -- anyway thanks all for seeing/listening _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user