James Morris wrote:
On 2010-07-07 14:46, Dave Phillips wrote:
Created with AVSynthesis (http://avsynthesis.blogspot.com/). Converted
to YouTube video with WinFF.
Dark stuff, best heard/seen with low or no ambient light.
I know. *Very* dark. Much of my work with AVS wants low/no background
light. Must be my mood whenever I work with Csound. ;)
re: Atte's comments on the music:
I just watched the video having read these comments, but I was so
wrapped up in trying to figure out if the visual textures correlated
with the audio textures that 1:30-1:45 came and went and by the time I
looked at the time, the time was 2:30-2:45 :-)
I like the whole overall sound and mood of the music. I think I was
more wanting something to change in the visuals at around the 1:30-45
mark even though I found it quite absorbing trying to work out if
there were barely visible images coming through them. So it was
satisfying when they do change ;-)
Again I'll emphasize the experimental nature of the work. I set up
audio/video processes, AVS carries out my instructions, and I'm never
quite sure what will happen until I run the process.
I think I've finally figured out how to create reasonably decent
compressed videos from my originals. I'll post some others asap, maybe
even some with bright colors. :) Btw, the compression on p90 turned a
2.1 GB file into 41 MB. Thankfully the sound retains its resolution, but
I'm sure you can imagine the loss in video quality.
Thanks for taking the time to watch & listen to my work, James, and I
appreciate your comments.
The music brought to mind this track by the Aphex Twin:
But it's nothing like it! Other than (in my half-educated mind)
sounding 'classical' and 'electronic' both at the same time (which I
always found that track by the twin to be quite the anti-dote to
pop-pop-poppy-pop music which stole its way into my head with
Thanks for sharing, I've been meaning to dig into AVSynthesis, and this
makes me even more curious!
http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk
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