On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:01:27 +0200Arnold Krille <arnold@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi,> > On Thursday 20 August 2009 01:45:32 Bearcat M. Şandor wrote:> > One of my pet peeves (and i'm sure for many of you as well) is the> > "loudness wars", that is the setting of levels close to digital 0> > in the recording studio. If i set my pcm and other volumes to 100%> > in the alsa mixer am i in fact doing the same thing at home?> > No, you are not. This is about generic volume in listening> environment, not about mastering the volume of a piece of music.> You actually want to set all the volumes apart from the last one to a> high value. Otherwise if the first level is down and you have to turn> up the later ones to hear something, you amplify the noise more then> needed. If all volumes are up and you only turn the last one down,> the noise introduced by all previous gain-stages is reduced too.> > Some times its not practical to control the over-all-listening-volume> at the last stage (which would be the knob at the back of the active> monitors), but the main control should be one of the last> volume-controls in the chain.> > Have fun,> > Arnold I think the interesting part in here is whether it matters if allcontrols are set to maximum _in_software_. Are there parts in thesoftware audio chain where it should or shouldn't be at 100%?The individual chains are different but it should be possible to knowif it's a good idea for the individual parts, like alsa, PA,applications, ... Philipp_______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user