On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Kenneth Jacker<khj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> I want to ask the "experts" on this mailing list a question I've had> for years. It involves "best practices" for the multiple volume> settings available on most computer systems ...>> Say I am playing an audio stream from 'last.fm'.>> The way I see it, there are *four* different possible volume settings:> "line" (e.g., PCM) volume, application (e.g., Rhythmbox, TVTime, ...)> volume, mixer "master" volume, and speaker volume.>> I would guess that the last (speaker) volume should be set (dynamically> when needed) to whatever is currently most appropriate for the listener.>> But what about the other three? Should they all be set at 50%?> If not, what other values should be used?>> Can anyone give some guidelines?>>> Thanks for your comments!> --> Prof Kenneth H Jacker khj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Computer Science Dept www.cs.appstate.edu/~khj> Appalachian State Univ> Boone, NC 28608 USA>> _______________________________________________> Linux-audio-user mailing list> Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user> Simple - Keep every 'early' volume control in the chain as high as youcan without creating clipping or distortion at that stage. This keepssignal to noise as good as you can for this audio data. Set your lastvolume control to a level you want to listen to. (Depends on the sizeof the power amp and efficiency of your speakers. Typically for me doing this right requires some understanding of howmuch overhead any given stage can tolerate. If I have VU's then Imight strive for some level averaging anywhere from 0 to -6. If Idon't have VUs then I'll do this by ear or maybe use some equipment(software or hardware) to measure system response if I think it'simportant. Most of the time it isn't so I'll try pushing a stage hardwith loud material until I think I hear some problems and then I'llback off by some amount. If you do ti this way it's important to NOTset the later stages loud as the distorion I hear might be from alater stage and not the one I'm adjusting. Hope this helps,Mark_______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user