lør, 14 06 2008 kl. 13:48 +1000, skrev Roger E: > You're bound to get some comments on a post like that!> I agree that studio64 is probably the best. I don't use Suse on the getting in bed with the devil principle. But I also prefer Kde or Xfce to Gnome.> The latest Musix is very impressive, though maybe not really cutting edge. dyne:bolic is very cool.> However I make most music on my everyday Debian/kde testing, which is updated regularly. No RT kernel like Studio64 or Musix etc., but Jack still runs nice with about 6ms latency on the vanilla kernel. And no rebooting after browsing, mailing or killing evil zombies in a 3d game. :)> > Roger Hi Roger Could you share the secret behind getting a plain debian running"stable" round 6ms without any other apps affecting the invironment ? I guess if you have found the right settings it does not matter whichdesktop to choose ? /Sv-e > > _______________________________________________> Linux-audio-user mailing list> Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user _______________________________________________Linux-audio-user mailing listLinux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user