Re: [ANN] JAD 1.0 officially released

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david wrote:

Yah, I could burn a SuSE CD and install that, then upgrade the packages. Thanks for the idea. Just what I need - (YALAD) Yet Another Linux Audio Distro throing it's hat into the ring. I wonder how it compares to pure:bolic, dyne:bolic, Musix, Ubuntu Studio, Studio64,

It's '64 Studio' btw.

or what other's
I forgot to include?

I do sometimes wish the developers would all get together

That's roughly what we're all doing on this list. (or LAD anyway)

 and focus on
one distro and finish making the applications work right ... ;-)

It's never going to happen due to the laws of statistical probability. How many plants do you know that concentrate all their energy into growing one long stalk? There are fundamental disagreements of approach, which are not going to get resolved. The most obvious that comes to mind is: do we stroke the furry hooves of VST support or persevere with the limitations of LADSPA? You will notice that the major distros (Debian; SuSE; RedHat; Gentoo &c.) have sub-distros to a greater or lesser extent. It is logical that there will be as many Audio sub-distros too.

JAD isn't just YALAD. Most of the distros you mention are Debian based, for a start. Some people actually _like_ KDE/E11t on their desktop, they _want_ their OS to roll over and wave its legs in the air every time a proprietary plug-in comes along. I'll just be glad not to have to field comments from people who think that Debian is somehow broken because it doesn't do this.

We all get different itches, hence the wide variety of scratching devices. Some people even like to collect them all! YMWV

Sometimes I wonder whether we all just need a liver cleanse. ;)


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