Re: Goodbye ReplyTo munging...

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Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 00:12 -1000, david wrote:
Chris McCormick wrote:
On Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 11:27:00AM +1000, Loki Davison wrote:
Yeah, this really, really blows. Anyone know how to make this new
setup work in gmail? It seems to encourage off list discussion which
is pretty evil. Maybe we should take a vote or some sane democratic
My vote is for people to 'reply to all' when they want to reply to
all/list, and 'reply' when they want to reply just to the sender (keep
it how it is right now, as is supported in all mail clients).
Using Thunderbird here, "Reply to All" put Chris in the To field, Loki and the LAU list in CC fields. So presumably the first two folk each get two copies of a reply unless I remove their individual address entries. And "Reply" only sends a reply to Chris ... anyway, works for me. I'm used to hitting Reply and replacing the original sender's address with the list address, anyway, just one of my many quirks.
Or you could use "Reply to List", <CTRL-L>, which isn't in the toolbar
by default.

Even better.
When I did that on my Thunderbird (v2.0.0.4 for Linux) here, I got a new 
message, with the message from the list attached to it, ready for 
forwarding to any address I decide to type into the To file. IOW - NO 
address whatsoever from the original email. On the Message menu, Ctrl-L 
is the keystroke for "Forward".
Great if I wanted to forward the email to someone else. Worthless if I 
want to reply to the list OR the original sender.
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