Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
On Fri, July 13, 2007 14:54, Dragan Noveski wrote:
Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
This deserves some debugging. Are willing to help?
1) rebuild with ./configure --enable-debug && make
2) ulimit -c unlimited
3) ./qjackctl
4) *make-it-crash* (core dumped)
5) gdb ./qjackctl core
Tell me what you find.
hi, the version is crashing here regularly when the connection
window is open.
Thanks Dragan.
However I'm still failing to reproduce these crashes here. It sure is
related to the connections item tooltips, as at least one other user has
reported and posted a very identical trace.
Please, I need you to tell me some more: is it just a matter of hovering
the mouse pointer in the connections window panes? does it crash regularly
on all connections tabs, ie. Audio, MIDI and ALSA, or just one in
There is a certain workaround to fix this, though, about getting rid of
the client/port items tooltips altogether: just comment the whole body of
qjackctlConnect::eventFilter() function, leaving in only the last return
statement (qjackctlConnect.cpp, lines 815-840). Not a nice fix I may say
doing this seems to solve the issue here.
i do not have the knowledge to know, why this is not nice, but it
obviously solves the problem.
All you fellows that are currently experiencing similar crashes should
raise your hands and tell what in the world you have in common to make
this happen like so. Please?
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