"Ivica Ico Bukvic":
So, if I understand this correctly, there is no API out there that simply translates common GUI VST calls into any of the libre toolkits which are also available on Linux, other than the full-fledged Wine implementation? If so, that *really* sucks.
Well, probably maybe. Its hard to know what GUI toolkits closed source software use. And it doesn't matter very much either until there is a big enough marked for commercial vst plugins on linux, which might never happen because we have better standards than vst for fitted for linux audio: The trouble of getting various x toolkits to work with each other is probably more easely solved by using dssi or just making jack programs out of the plugins. Besides, ladspa is a much more supported standard than vst on linux, and for most vst plugins, it probably doesn't require that much work to make them support ladspa as well as vst.
I think it boils down to vst plugin developers not having much interest in linux audio. Thats where the work needs to be done I think.