On Wednesday 15 November 2006 02:54, david was like: > I'm planning to check out the Debian Music Distribution (DeMuDi) from > http://www.agnula.org to see how that goes. The AGNULA site that you have listed above contains no current or useful information about DeMuDi. It is really just a placeholder. http://demudi.agnula.org is the useful address. Let me know if there is anything that is not clear. We are happy to discuss any Debian based music system via the AGNULA users mailing list <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> including A/DeMuDi, 64Studio, pure Debian, Musix, UbuntuStudio and others, roughly in order of preference. It's a friendly, low volume list for distro-specific enquiries. -- cheers, tim hall http://glastonburymusic.org.uk/tim We are the people We've been waiting for.