I found out a very interesting page and a webcast
about the 9'th symphony of Beethoven stretched to 24
hours here:
And on this page ( )
I found that for this was used CLM and SND.
How can I do the same?
Its just a simple granulate processing with a tiny bit of reverb on top.
Halfly pseudo, it can look like this:
(let* ((read0 (make-readin filename #:channel 0))
(read1 (make-readin filename #:channel 1))
(gr0 (make-granulate #:expansion 22.0 #:length 0.15 #:hop 0.03))
(gr1 (make-granulate #:expansion 22.0 #:length 0.15 #:hop 0.03)))
(output-to-file file-object (granulate gr0 (lambda () (readin read0)))
(granulate gr1 (lambda () (readin read1))))))
Very simple. You have to tune the length and hop sizes though, plus volume
and stuff.
It's possible to do this in
batch mode?
Yes, the first first version of this stretch was actually run in batch
I didn't want to stay up all night generating all the files. :-)