I would these requirements: -One place (with mirrors) to download the songs. -Easy download of huge number of songs. -No limitations on the download amounts. -No registration required. -No any closed-source upload/download software. -The downloaded songs can be copied to other free songs places. -*- Many services rely on individual downloads and, worse, on registrations. These services have thousands of files which must be downloaded individually with a few button clicks each. If I wish to have a complete collection (and why wouldn't I), I certainly would break my mouse hand. Downloading 1000 songs with "wget -r" and playing the songs with "ogg123 *" saves much of the selection trouble as well. -*- If musician choose to place their songs available at their own webpages, then the license should allow us to copy the songs to the free songs places. Juhana -- http://music.columbia.edu/mailman/listinfo/linux-graphics-dev for developers of open source graphics software