> What are the key factors that we want to publicize? Yeah that's the hard question, because different people here havedifferent priorities: -freedom of software-low (or no) price-tipping culture-anti-DRM-ogg-v-mp3-bypassing the distribution chain-bypassing the record companies/advertising companies/singlescharts/MTV awards industry-freedom to remix (among others?), and everyone here has at least two points of view: -as a consumer-as an artist It will be hard to integrate all of these priorities. For me, (as a consumer) anti-DRM and (as an artist) bypassing recordcompanies are most important. As for a name, I agree that "web releasing musician" is a bitunwieldy, and "PIZZA" and "ECS-files" would require a bit too muchexplanation! "netlabel" is a term that already has some currency -could we use that or a variant? And finally, regarding the word "Free" (which will certainly confuselots of consumers, as discussed in the other "Marketing Free Music"thread): why not "Libre"? The French don't have thesefree-as-in-beer/free-as-in-freedom misunderstandings. "Netlabel Libre"