thewade wrote:
has a "desktop" and a customizable menubar able to do menus inside of
fluxbox cant seem to display a "desktop" and iconbox only does icons
and isin't really a menu system.
The gnome screen:
What is it about a "desktop" that you want or need?
I've consciously abandoned the Windows, and I guess the Macintosh
desktop paradigm, and don't feel any need for icons, trash cans, start
buttons, and all that other eye candy paraphernalia that makes getting
meaningful work done look like you're employed by a nuclear (or is that
nucular - damned you Bush!) power generating station.
GUI things seem to work fine in Flux with dragging and dropping possible
if the particular apps are coded appropriately. There's just no way I
could work faster if forced to click on more things. For me Fluxbox
very efficiently supports a melding of command line power and graphical
convenience. Especially with that transparent mc thing I mentioned in
my first posting in this thread.