On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 10:31:51PM +0100, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote: > > Steve D escribe: > > > I guess my (irrational) fear is that a punchin/punchout will somehow be > > obvious to the listener--that either there will be an abrupt momentary > > change in ambience, an abrupt cutting off of pre-punchin sound as the > > punchin occurs, or I'll be in a slightly different mood and the volume > > or performance won't match, etc. > > Don't overestimate the listener. :o) And don't underestimate the musician. I've done thousands of punchin/outs in the days of real physical tape (no region shifts then !), and seen e.g. saxophone players redo just a few notes of a great solo without anyone being able to spot the edit. But I agree this sort of destructive editing was quite scary... -- FA