Hello, I am quite new to Linux and have been working very hard in the past few weeks to get my soundcard playback and recording to work. I am using an Edirol UA-5 usb device. When I play sound (ex: xmms) it is ditorted and with snow. When I record (ardour) i have the same problem, but the ditortion is not continuos. It is especially when i will speak. It seems to record silence pretty well, hehe. If someone could help me fix up jack, i will happily post some more info if asked (since i do not really know what could help resolving this problem). Also, there may be a conterpart of ardour that works with alsa?? I need a sequencer, and alsa works fine, maybe that could be a solution for now, though I will need to use jack one day or another. See ya! PMG __________________________________________________________ Find your next car at http://autos.yahoo.ca