Hy again, sadly there is not much reference for jaaa, and it wont spit out any errors (regarding my problem). first off i thought it would work, but after a while i figured that it should have got a window,which it hasnt. no options make any difference,besides from giving errors if i set up a wrong device or such. just no window. i took a look at main.cc (i guess the .cc tell me this is ansi-c?) and i guessed that those X_blabla functions it uses to handle the windows dont work. so i guessed it might be the clxclient lib that i installed as it is needed that may be faulty (or are those "plain" X-calls?), but it compiled a 64bit and a 32bit version,both fine, and jaaa also compiles fine with both,but still no window... well not pure 32bit ,as my X11 includes are 64bit. and maybe not real 64bit too-i just changed the dirs in the Makefile to their 64bit equivalents, i dont know if i must activate other flags or so to compile to 64bit,besides that i dont know if any part of jaaa would benefit. well,many compiles-no working proggi.if someone has ideas - i would even _try_ coding them. i guess it would be possible to port jaaa into a nice kde application,but right now,and especially at this late time =), this would present some problems for me. although the jaaa itself shouldnt be to hard to port another windows system,from a first look-but what can i say,i never saw the program actually running =(. i dont really know where to start.i thought of putting some cheap debugging code into jaaa,telling me where exactly it stops. does jaaa run on 64bit machines? and i havent found but a single version of source (0.1.2),is there maybe a newer version around? i`d be willing to test and puzzle all the way =). mfg sonicx