> On 10/10/05, Loki Davison <loki.davison@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi all, > > Smack 0.2 is now out. Smack is a drum synth, 100% sample free. It's > > built with LADSPA plugins and the Om modular synth. New in this > > release are Noise and resonate filter based metallic percussion, ring > > modulation based drums, velocity sensitivity, control ports for all > > drums and random other goodness. Get it at http://smack.berlios.de/ > > There are also some new sound demos on the site including a physical > > modeling based djembe. The gui is no longer included due to huge > > improvements with om_gtk, and lack of time for maintaining it. Please > > just use om_gtk or the emacs bindings. > > > > Cheers, > > Loki Well... i feel some what stupid... Thanks for testing it... bugger, really should have tested for that! Removed it from the Makefile.am but not configure ;-) The whole autotools deal isn't really needed now unless i get round to making it check that all the required ladspas are there. Anyway, new tarball is up, called 0.2.1. Give me a yell what you think.