Hi mates! I wonder if anyone of you could help me a bit. Part of the question I have I asked before. I'm trying to do lpc with csound5. Unfortunitely lpanal in csound5 is still broken, so I use lpanal of older csound4 version. The output I get is silence with one or to glitches in between. Any idea what I'm doing wrong or what csound's doing wrong? Material for the analysis was speech input. Second: Does anyone know more about the status of dssi-support in csound5? I tried but I wouldn't get the expected result. Either I get silence or just the original signal (no effect applied). Any working example known? Thanks for ANY help! I would greatly appreciate it! Kindest regards Julien P.S.: If anyone knows a much better place to ask my csound questions, please give me an urls or mail-adsress. -------- Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles) ======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ======== http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide