Something strange is happening to my edirol audio usb interface: when the pc is booting up I can hear an annoying noise coming from the interface (I mean on the outside, not from the jack). The hiss stops when (I believe) the driver is loaded, or the OS has recognized the interface. This also happens on my ibook. On Linux (Suse9.3 x86_64, and Demudi 1.2.1) the noise never stops. It just seems to diminish after a while. I haven't noticed it before I think before I always wear headphones when I decide to work with this interface. Do you have any clue? c. p.s. I am trying Demudi these days, but I can't achieve the same latency I get with the suse9.3 x86_64 kernel with just the realtime-lsm module. Jack doesn't even start at -n64 -p4 as it does on suse. Am I missing something?