On Sunday 06 November 2005 00:26, Lars Luthman wrote: > On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 09:28 +1100, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote: > > Nigel Henry wrote: > > > Hi. Has anyone got sineshaper installed on FC3? I'm having the most > > > terrible dependency problems. gtkmm, then glibmm, and the list of deps > > > goes on and on. I thought that Fedora extras handled thes deps, but > > > adding the urls to yum for the fedora extras hasn't solved it. Yum says > > > gtkmm doesn't exist. I'm not knocking anything. I'd just like to get > > > sineshaper working, as it sounds like a good synth. > > > > I tried on debian testing. All I had to do was install libglademm-2.4-dev > > whcih pulld in some dependancies. Unfortunately debian doesn't have a > > package for DSSI so I stopped there. > > There are unofficial Debian packages for the DSSI development kit and > utilities as well as some plugins (including Sineshaper) here: > http://willem.engen.nl/debian/ Hi Lars. Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been messing with other stuff. Installing libglademm-2.4-dev as Erik de Castro Lopo suggested, and then the DSSI stuff from the link you supplied, Sineshaper is working really well, and I'm really impressed with it. Thanks for all your hard work, and also to those that contributed bits for it. Nigel.