I wish to thank mailing list participants for an informative discussion of my software question. Does anyone have any thoughts on the hardware question (reproduced below) which I also raised? On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 04:39:22PM +1100, Jason White wrote: > I am looking for suitable hardware to handle digital i/o between a Linux > system and an RME ADI-2 ad/da converter that I just bought. I don't need lots > of channels, but reliability of the data transfer is important, including > jitter reduction. An RME card would be excellent but it is somewhat outside my > budget. Also, connectivity to a laptop would be desirable, suggesting either a > USB interface or waiting until http://freebob.sourceforge.net/ (the Alsa > firewire project) matures. I don't plan to run any OS besides Linux with this > hardware, so Alsa support is crucial. As this is for home/personal use I'm not > in a hurry. M-Audio hardware is high on my list of possibilities at the > moment. >