Hi all, Just thought it was about time I posted some music - the first two tracks in a project of mine to grow acid techno: http://www.archive.org/audio/audio-details-db.php?collection=opensource_audio&collectionid=legoacid The tracks were made and recorded in realtime, using a form of genetic programming, which develops formal production rules (loosely based on l systems) for a text based musical score language. This is good for taking melodic or percussion patterns and slowly developing them, but in some cases the changes can be quite radical, and can take you by suprise. you can also hand edit the rules on the fly - which is handy for things like forcing a 4/4 beat, which is sometimes desirable :) The drum sounds are sampled from the venerable 808, also some synthesised percussion in there, all synthesis is done by a fixed function performance synth based on the code from SSM. More info about the software here: http://www.pawfal.org/Software/livenoisetools/ cheers, dave