Hi, Does anyone have a pointer to an .asoundrc file which enables a Delta 1010 to work optimally with ardour? I've had a look here http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Midiman%2FMAudio&card=Delta+1010.&chip=ICE1712+%28Envy24%29&module=ice1712 on the ALSA website. The non-trivial examples there are for the same chip (?) as is used in the 1010, but not for the same "card". Only the trivial example is claimed to apply to the same "card". I've also googled for this, and found a dead link to the ardour-dev mailing list archive (via geocrawler.com) in December 2000. I also crawled through the mailing list archives for ALSA, ardour-dev and ardour-user. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet. From the number of requests I've seen in archives, and the absence of actual working .asoundrc suggestions in the archives, it would seem appropriate to post a working file here, IMHO. Thanks.... -- Kevin