Hi, I've recently started the process of attempting to document the DVD-Audio standard and to write some useful free software tools for authoring and playback of DVD-Audio disks. For both technical (i.e. it's hard) and legal (i.e. it's illegal in many countries), I'm not attempting to deal with either the copy prevention technologies or Meridian Lossless Packing, so my project will never be able to play back commercial DVDs. The aim is to write an authoring application capablle of creating DVD-Audio disks compliant with hardware DVD-Audio players, and also to write an open source DVD-Audio player that supports the playback of unencrypted DVD-Audio disks with uncompressed LPCM audio tracks. Currently, the project is in the very early stages - I'm in the progress of adding my notes to the project website, and have started to write some software. The home page is here: http;//dvd-audio.sourceforge.net/ There is a dvd-audio-devel mailing list that all are welcome to join. Regards, Dave.