Hi, the > old standard applies wherever you go - "crap in = > crap out". If it's crap ya wants I am available as a Blender test monkey. My artwork will definitely stink up the joint. Feel free to inquire about salary expectations offline. I request that my job title be Satisfaction and Human Interface Tester (SHITer). in reality, > ardour is probably the most intuitive audio > recording program i have > ever used I feel the same way. ... the only thing that i haven't gotten > the hang of is stuff > like key-bindings, http://lists.ardour.org/pipermail/ardour-dev-ardour.org/2005-July/002467.html ron and a few of the more advanced > editing techniques. > this wouldn't be a problem if there was some sort of > documentation, but > most of the documentations that *is* out there, is > woefully incomplete > (i know, i know - when i get some time, this is > something i'm looking > forward to doing - a whole series of > tutorials/manuals for linux audio). > > shayne > ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs