On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 13:32:54 +0100 mchristoph.eckert@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christoph Eckert) wrote: Christoph-- Try adjusting the controller #'s up and down by one--In case I also need to add an offset for those. That's a real possiblity. Also, I think it's very likely that Rat?n doesn't scale controller msg values correctly for all controllers -- yet. But I think that controllers 12 & 13 take a std 0-127 range. I'll look at the MIDI spec. Also, FYI, Rat?n *definitely* needs GTK+ >=2.4 to compile, for anyone else reading this msg. Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas sent me a patch for the glade-generated configure.in file. Thanks, Pedro, my other thank you was bounced. :) > Well, I set the Virus to MIDI channel 1 and I can now use > raton. But it doesn't behave like expected. I once managed to > set raton to CCs 12 and 13 to control the pitch and cutoff of > the virus. Once it did work, but I didn't manage to get this > result again. > > Nice program, but still difficult to handle. > > Does it work for you? If so, then there's something different > on my machine which makes it behave like it does.