> I gotta ask, since the build went ok and the interface > starts, have you connected Rat?n's output to an ALSA seq > client input port? Using something like 'qjackctrl' > (Connections window) or 'aconnectgui'? > > You need to connect manually, since there could be many > clients. (Sorry if this is obvious stuff for you. ;) ) thanks for asking, sometimes the easiest thoughts can help ;-) . But I had connected it to my USB MIDI out, of course. > If you did, and it doesn't work, do you have a MIDI monitor > installed? (amidimon or gmidimon (I think it's ALSA aware)) > Connect Rat?n and a monitor, and you'll know if the setup > works. Hey, thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for testing it yesterday. > Even if you don't have 'amidimon', you could see if Rat?n's > output port exists. Yes, it does. I have immediately installed amidimon, and I guess I can see the error: 12:59:15:316192 controller c: 01 p: 00001 v: 00107 12:59:15:324151 controller c: 00 p: 00001 v: 00081 Does this mean that raton sends CC 00 and 01? If so, I have set it to send CC 12 and 13 on channel 13 instead. Bug or compiling problem? Best regards ce Jabber: HomoSapientz@xxxxxxxxxx ?Wer Visionen hat, sollte zum Arzt gehen? (Helmut Schmidt)