[linux-audio-user] guitar song sheets

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>> I'm curious (for this, and any other answers to this
>> question)--does this print out just english designations
>> for chords (like "Fmin" or similar) or does it print out
>> what I think is called tablature, i.e., the graphic that
>> shows some of the frets and strings and the finger
>> positions for the chord?
Chord offers the options to print just the chord names above the lyrics
and the chord diagrams at the end of the sheet.  It's very easy to use. 
Here's an example of the text file you'd create to produce the songsheet
(of course you can often find the lyrics online and all you'd need to do
then is add the chords):
{t:Title of the song}
{st:Subtitle or artist/author}

[Amaj7]This is the [Bm7]first line [C#m7] of the [Amaj7]song.



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