On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 08:52:17 -0700, Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Tuesday 21 September 2004 08:34 am, Hans Fugal wrote: > > The card works great for PCM. > > > > Which software I use to patch the midi depends on my mood, but usually > > aconnectgui or aconnect. > > > > Haven't been fiddling with jack or Qjackctl yet. > > > > I'm trying to get my midi controller keyboard to make noise out the > > soundcard, is all. > > Hmmm. Ok...so maybe the wrong midi device? How many midi devices show > in /dev/snd ? If more than one, try patching around. $ ls /dev/snd controlC0 midiC0D0 pcmC0D0p pcmC0D2p pcmC1D0c pcmC1D1c seq controlC1 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D1p pcmC0D3p pcmC1D0p pcmC1D1p timer The TB is card 0. > TB also has several outs for pcm (Surround stuff) but sound like your already > using the card for normal stereo audio. I will fiddle with the mixer more this evening. Perhaps the fm synth is on master1 or some other pcm... fugalh@falcon:~$ aconnect -oil client 0: 'System' [type=kernel] 0 'Timer ' 1 'Announce ' Connecting To: 63:0 client 64: 'CS46XX - Rawmidi 0' [type=kernel] 0 'CS46XX ' (the keyboard is turned off and I'm not at home to turn it on) -- De gustibus non disputandum est.