Hi! It seems you got no answer to all your other questions. So here are some propositions: Do you have another audio server (artsd etc.) running? This comes along with guis. Is your alsa running in the first place? Check at /proc/asound for more details about driver state. Fluidsynth: I only use it with jack (I still use 1.0.3, I don't know about the latest version and the drivers...) How did you start your jack before? I start it: jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:3,0 -r 44100 (my card is 4th card in the system, only nominally :-)) If you do it like that, all channels on your delta would be busy. If you can define good pcm-devices (vai .asoundrc) you could only block part of your channels. (I didn't manage that). Try to check a few of these things... I hope I didn't tell you all the things you knew already. If there are more specific questions, try the alsa-user oder jack-mailingslists, they'd know more. Kindest regards Julien -------- Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles) ======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ======== http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide